







# 批量读取文件中的域名def read_file(filePath):    with open(filePath, "r") as f:  # 打开文件        data = f.readlines()  # 读取文件        return data


# 通过某网站获取域名到期时间def get_expiry_date(url_list):    url_expiry_date_list = []    for url in url_list:        url_expiry_date_dict = {}        time.sleep(random.randrange(3))        req_whois = urllib.request.urlopen("http://whois.xxxxxx.com/" + url)        result = req_whois.read().decode()        html = etree.HTML(result)        endTimes = html.xpath("//a[@id="update_a2"]/preceding-sibling::span[1]/text()")        if len(endTimes) > 0:            endTime = endTimes[0].replace("年", "-").replace("月", "-").replace("日", "")        else:            errorInfo = html.xpath("//div[@class="IcpMain02"]")            endTime = errorInfo[0].xpath("string(.)").strip()        url_expiry_date_dict["url"] = url.replace("n", "")        url_expiry_date_dict["endTime"] = endTime        pprint.pprint(url_expiry_date_dict)        url_expiry_date_list.append(url_expiry_date_dict)    pprint.pprint(url_expiry_date_list)    return url_expiry_date_list


# 写入Excel文件def write_excel(domain_list):    # 创建一个新的文件    with xlsxwriter.Workbook("host_ip.xlsx") as workbook:        # 添加一个工作表        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("域名信息")        # 设置一个加粗的格式        bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True})        # 分别设置一下 A 和 B 列的宽度        worksheet.set_column("A:A", 50)        worksheet.set_column("B:B", 15)        # 先把表格的抬头写上,并设置字体加粗        worksheet.write("A1", "域名", bold)        worksheet.write("B1", "信息", bold)        # 设置数据写入文件的初始行和列的索引位置        row = 1        col = 0        for domain_ex_date in domain_list:            url = domain_ex_date["url"]            endTime = domain_ex_date["endTime"]            currDate = datetime.today().date()            try:                endDate = datetime.strptime(endTime, "%Y-%m-%d").date()                diffDate = endDate - currDate                if diffDate.days <= 7:                    style = workbook.add_format({"font_color": "red"})                else:                    style = workbook.add_format({"font_color": "black"})            except:                style = workbook.add_format({"font_color": "red"})            pprint.pprint(url + ": " + endTime)            worksheet.write(row, col, url, style)            worksheet.write(row, col + 1, endTime, style)            row += 1


urls = read_file("domain.txt")urls_list = get_expiry_date(urls)write_excel(urls_list)



#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Author:高效码农import pprintimport timeimport randomimport xlsxwriterfrom datetime import datetimeimport urllib.requestfrom lxml import etree# 批量读取文件中的域名def read_file(filePath):    with open(filePath, "r") as f:  # 打开文件        data = f.readlines()  # 读取文件        return data# 通过某网站获取域名到期时间def get_expiry_date(url_list):    url_expiry_date_list = []    for url in url_list:        url_expiry_date_dict = {}        time.sleep(random.randrange(3))        req_whois = urllib.request.urlopen("http://whois.xxxxxx.com/" + url)        result = req_whois.read().decode()        html = etree.HTML(result)        endTimes = html.xpath("//a[@id="update_a2"]/preceding-sibling::span[1]/text()")        if len(endTimes) > 0:            endTime = endTimes[0].replace("年", "-").replace("月", "-").replace("日", "")        else:            errorInfo = html.xpath("//div[@class="IcpMain02"]")            endTime = errorInfo[0].xpath("string(.)").strip()        url_expiry_date_dict["url"] = url.replace("n", "")        url_expiry_date_dict["endTime"] = endTime        pprint.pprint(url_expiry_date_dict)        url_expiry_date_list.append(url_expiry_date_dict)    pprint.pprint(url_expiry_date_list)    return url_expiry_date_list# 写入Excel文件def write_excel(domain_list):    # 创建一个新的文件    with xlsxwriter.Workbook("host_ip.xlsx") as workbook:        # 添加一个工作表        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("域名信息")        # 设置一个加粗的格式        bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True})        # 分别设置一下 A 和 B 列的宽度        worksheet.set_column("A:A", 50)        worksheet.set_column("B:B", 15)        # 先把表格的抬头写上,并设置字体加粗        worksheet.write("A1", "域名", bold)        worksheet.write("B1", "信息", bold)        # 设置数据写入文件的初始行和列的索引位置        row = 1        col = 0        for domain_ex_date in domain_list:            url = domain_ex_date["url"]            endTime = domain_ex_date["endTime"]            currDate = datetime.today().date()            try:                endDate = datetime.strptime(endTime, "%Y-%m-%d").date()                diffDate = endDate - currDate                if diffDate.days <= 7:                    style = workbook.add_format({"font_color": "red"})                else:                    style = workbook.add_format({"font_color": "black"})            except:                style = workbook.add_format({"font_color": "red"})            pprint.pprint(url + ": " + endTime)            worksheet.write(row, col, url, style)            worksheet.write(row, col + 1, endTime, style)            row += 1urls = read_file("domain.txt")urls_list = get_expiry_date(urls)write_excel(urls_list)
